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1744 Visitation Questionnaire
1779 Visitation Questionnaire


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Mary Highley, Deanery of South=Molton

Chanter 225B, 657-658

  1. Population and dissenters: Three – no Dissenter nor meeting house.

  2. Public or charity schools: No School whatever. The Children are taught at Oakford & brought to be Catechis’d in that Church.

  3. Alms-house, hospital or charitable endowment: No Almshouse or Hospital or other Charitable Endowment that I know of there are some fields called the Chappel Closes suppos’d formerly to belong to the Minister or Chappel but are now in Lay hands.

  4. Residence upon cure: The Parsonage house is in ruins.

  5. Curate: There has been no residing Rector or Curate for a Century back at last nor has there been one farthing allowance to me or to those who have been before me in the Cure of Oakford but have hitherto since the death of there last instituted Rector said to be call’d Addicot done all the duty of the Parish gratis.

  6. Divine service at other churches: No divine service perform’d here, except two inhabitants of this Parish being buried here when the service of our Church was read. The Chappel being utterly in ruins & all thoughts of rebuilding it given over long since & both great & small tythes with all other rights belonging to the Chappel seiz’d by Laymen none of the subsequent Queries except the last require an Answer.

  7. Frequency of divine service: [No answer given]

  8. Frequency of communion: [No answer given]

  9. Number of communicants: [No answer given]

  10. Catechising of children: [No answer given]

  11. Chapels or chapels in ruins: The Chappel the only place of Worship in the Parish is in ruins as aforesaid which I think it my duty to acquaint your Lordship with as there is no other Person I suppose that wou’d take it upon him to obey your Lordship’s commands in the matter & as it behov’d me in a good measure to give your Lordship what satisfaction I cou’d in the matter being A kind of Curate to the Parish.