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Appendix 5

Exeter Occupations

Description % Total number % of Total
Gentleman 72 8.4
Sergemaker 55 6.4
Fuller 48 5.6
Sergeweaver 45 5.2
Grocer 44 5.1
Tailor 39 4.5
Woolcomber 35 4.1
Merchant 28 3.3
Esquire 26 3.0
Baker 19 2.2
Mercer 19 2.2
Maltster 17 2.0
Barber 16 1.9
Carpenter 16 1.9
Goldsmith 16 1.9
Apothecary 15 1.7
Butcher 15 1.7
Innholder/Innkeeper 12 1.4
Clerk 11 1.3
Cordwinder 11 1.3
Druggist 11 1.3
Joiner 10 1.2
Hellier 9 1.0
Ironmonger 9 1.0
Husbandman 8 0.9
Mariner 8 0.9
Surgeon 8 0.9
Tallow chandler 8 0.9
Tobacconist 8 0.9
Labourer 7 0.8
Locksmith 7 0.8
Mason 7 0.8
Gardener 6 0.7
Brazier 5 0.6
Chandler 5 0.6
Clothier 5 0.6
Glazier 5 0.6
Ley Vicar 5 0.6
Linnendraper 5 0.6
Weaver 5 0.6
Yeoman 5 0.6
Bookseller 4 0.5
Bricklayer 4 0.5
Carrier 4 0.5
Clergy 4 0.5
Cooper 4 0.5
Glover 4 0.5
Haberdasher of hats 4 0.5
Victualler 4 0.5
Blacksmith 3 0.3
Brewer 3 0.3
Cabinetmaker 3 0.3
Chapman 3 0.3
Currier 3 0.3
Cutler 3 0.3
Doctor of Physick 3 0.3
Fellmonger 3 0.3
Plumber 3 0.3
Sadler 3 0.3
Schoolmaster 3 0.3
Secondary 3 0.3
Serjeant at mace 3 0.3
Woolendraper 3 0.3
Chairmaker 2 0.2
Dyer 2 0.2
Freemason 2 0.2
Leather seller 2 0.2
Packsaddlemaker 2 0.2
Painter 2 0.2
Pattenmaker 2 0.2
Scrivener 2 0.2
Shoemaker 2 0.2
Upholsterer 2 0.2
Verger 2 0.2
Vintner 2 0.2
Wine cooper 2 0.2
?Sergecarrier 1 0.1
Alderman 1 0.1
Alehousekeeper 1 0.1
Basketmaker 1 0.1
Batchelor of Physick 1 0.1
Bell Toller 1 0.1
Bridlecutter 1 0.1
Chimneysweep 1 0.1
Clothworker 1 0.1
Coachman 1 0.1
Coffeeman 1 0.1
Combmaker 1 0.1
Confectioner 1 0.1
Corkcutter 1 0.1
Distiller 1 0.1
Fellmaker 1 0.1
Haberdasher of small wares 1 0.1
Hornworker 1 0.1
Hotpressman 1 0.1
Instrument maker 1 0.1
Jeweller 1 0.1
Knight 1 0.1
Leather dresser 1 0.1
Leather cutter 1 0.1
Miller 1 0.1
Mr 1 0.1
Organist 1 0.1
Perriwigmaker 1 0.1
Pewterer 1 0.1
Physician 1 0.1
Printer 1 0.1
Roper 1 0.1
Salter 1 0.1
Shipwright 1 0.1
Shopkeeper 1 0.1
Shuttlemaker 1 0.1
Silkweaver 1 0.1
Sizer 1 0.1
Skinner 1 0.1
Sugar baker 1 0.1
Thatcher 1 0.1
Tinplateworker 1 0.1
Tobaccopipemaker 1 0.1
Watchmaker 1 0.1
Woostedcomber 1 0.1
Not stated/unclear 8 0.9
Total 858 100.0
Status/occupation descriptions of men who swore oaths of allegiance in the city of Exeter, 1723.
