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Detail of QS17/2/1/4, oaths sworn at the Market House, Chudleigh, 22 August 1723
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Transcribed text
Devonss. Ad General[em] Quarterial[em] session[em] Pacis D[omi]ni Regis tent[am] p[e]r adjournament[um] apud le market house in Chudleigh in & pro Com[itatu] praedict[o] vicesimo secundo die Augsti anno regni D[omi]ni nostri Georgii Dei gra[tia] magn[e] Britann[iae] Franc[iae] & Hibern[iae] Regis fidei Defensor[is] &c Decimo Anno[que] D[omi]ni 1723 Coram Georgio Chudleigh & Johe[nne] Lear Bar[onettis] ac aliis sociis suis Justiciar[is] dicti D[omi]ni Regis ad pacem in et pro Com[itatu] pradict[o] conservand[am] &c necnon &c assign[atis] &c.
TranslationDevonshire. At the general quarter sessions of the peace of the Lord the King held by adjournment at the Market House in Chudleigh in and for the county aforesaid the 22 day of August in the 10th year of our Lord King George by the grace of God King of Great Britain France & Ireland defender of the faith etc. And in the year of our Lord 1723 before George Chudleigh & John Lear baronets and their other fellow justices for the preservation of the peace of the said Lord the King in and for the county aforesaid and also their assigns etc.