To the Revd the Minister of Lustleigh

Chanter 232B, 581

  1. Residence, curate and lecturer: The Living is under Sequestration. There is no Lecturer.

  2. Other benefices: No more than one.

  3. Divine service at other churches: I do Duty at this Church once a Day, with Hennock.

  4. Frequency of divine service: [No answer given]

  5. Frequency of communion: The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is administered four Times in the Year. Communicants from 30 to 40.

  6. Catechising of children: In the Summer.

  7. Church fabric: The Church & Chancel are both in tolerable Repair & the Things for Divine Service are Decent.

  8. Glebe terrier: There is.

  9. Number of families: Fourty four.

  10. Chapels: There is no Chapel.

  11. Papists, dissenters and meeting houses: There are no reputed Papists nor a Dissenter of any Denomination.

  12. School, alms-houses, hospital and charitable endowments: There is no Charitable Endowment in the Parish nor any Library.

  13. Charity: The Benefactions are duly applied.

    Priest's orders and institution: I have acquainted your Lordship in ye Enquiries under Hennock with the Time my Priest Orders bear Date &c.

    Jno Hill officiating Minister