Chumleigh, Deanery of Chumleigh

Chanter 225B, 750-751

  1. Population and dissenters: about two hundred near forty Presbiterians who have a licenced meeting house Mr. Walker their Teacher.

  2. Public or charity schools: Here is a Charity School endowed with ten Pounds a year where thirty Children are educated in the Principles of the Christian Religion according to the doctrine of the Church of England they are taught Reading writing & Arithmetick as far as to understand the Rule of Three & are to learn the Church Catechism with Lewis's exposition.

  3. Alms-house, hospital or charitable endowment: Here are some lands invested in ye hands of a dozen of ye Cheif of the Parishioners as Feofees twoards ye maintainance of ye Poor.

  4. Residence upon cure: Mr. Wheeler ye Rector resides at Wells being a Vicar Choral of that Cathedral & keeping a School in the Town.

  5. Curate: The Curate's Name is Hopton Williams Webb he is licenced and resides in the Town the Parsonage House being a Mile & half off he is alowed thirty Pounds a year Surplice fees & twenty Shillings for a Sermon on Good Friday.

  6. Divine service at other churches: The Curate does not.

  7. Frequency of divine service: Twice every Lords day with two Sermons every Holiday & every Wenesday & Friday.

  8. Frequency of communion: Every Month.

  9. Number of communicants: About three Score at Easter last.

  10. Catechising of children: Children are Catechiz'd in our Church every Lord's day from Easter to Michaelmass & ye Parishioners send their Children & servants pretty punctually.

  11. Chapels or chapels in ruins: We have <no> Chapel that I know of in ye Parish.

    Hopton Williams Webb Curate of Chulmleigh

    Chulmeigh R.--- Robert Wheeler A.M.
    Inst. January 12. 1736. Presb. May 24. 1730 [Explanation]
    Jo. Oxon.