Supplementary Index of Surnames. Names starting with Y.

Yard, Edward QS17/1/16/4b
Yard, George QS17/1/16/2c
Yard, George QS17/1/16/2e
Yard, Gilbert QS17/1/13A/14
Yard, Gilbert QS17/1/17/6f
Yard, Hugh QS17/1/16/6f
Yard, Thomas QS17/1/15/4a
Yarde, Edward QS17/1/15/1a
Yeatherd, Joshua QS17/1/13A/6a
Yendall, John QS17/1/15/1e
Yendell, James QS17/1/17/7b
Yendle, John QS17/1/13A/14
Yeo, John QS17/1/13/4a
Yeo, Leonard QS17/1/13A/2a
Yeo, Leonard QS17/1/16/2a
Yeo, Richard QS17/1/13A/2a
Yeo, Richard QS17/1/16/2a
Yeo, Richard QS17/1/16/6b
Yerrard, Joshua QS17/1/15/5e
Yold/Jold?, Richard QS17/1/14/1
Yole, David QS17/1/13A/3
Yollup, John QS17/1/13/2
Yonge, Robert QS17/1/13/6a
Yonge, Robert QS17/1/14/2g
Youatt, William QS17/1/13/5a
Youldon, Richard QS17/1/13A/3
Young, James QS17/1/13A/2b
Young, Robert QS17/1/13A/1a
Young, Robert QS17/1/13A/9d
Young, Robert QS17/1/15/6
Young, William QS17/1/17/1j
Younge, Robert QS17/1/13/2
Younge, Robert QS17/1/13/3b