Jury Qualification
Freeholders Books
Research Areas
Description of the Documents
Editorial Method
Transcripts of Documents
Name Index
Parishes A-K
Parishes L-Z
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Buckland in ye Moor [Buckland in the Moor]
Thomas Smerdon
Elias Andrew
Richard Burnell
William Drake Gould, esq
James Woolson, esq
John Preston, gentleman
Thomas Bovey, gentleman, infirm
Nicholas Rooke, gentleman, infirm
Jeffery Scobel
Thomas Broadridge
Hugh Clement
Philip Michelmore
Samuel Searle
Lawrence Emmett
George Winsor
Thomas May
Richard Perry, yeoman
John Bidlake jun, yeoman
Thomas Milward, yeoman
John Putteven, yeoman
Henry Broadridge, infirm
Christopher Emmett
James Casely, yeoman
Peter Broadridge, yeoman
Jeffery Scoble jun, yeoman
Thomas Winsor, yeoman
Christopher Emmett jun, yeoman
Daniel Ball, yeoman
John Feild, yeoman
George Perry, yeoman
John White, yeoman
John Reynell, yeoman
James Tapper, yeoman
Robert Abraham, yeoman
Thomas Whiteway, yeoman
Norton Nelson, esq, freeholder
George Ashweek, freeholder
William Browse, copyholder
William Browse, copyholder
Thomas Mudge, copyholder
Widecombe in the Moor [Widdecombe in the Moor]
John Smerdon
John Aptor
Richard Smerdon
Edward Smerdon
Roger Hannaford
Henry Caunter
Richard Brooking
John Arnold
James Townsend
James Hamlyn, of Lake
James Hamlyn, of Ash
John French
Nicholas Wreyford
Thomas Hamlyn
John Woodley
Hugh Smerdon
John Woolstone, esq
John Carrell
Roger Head, yeoman
John Rendle, yeoman
George Gale, leaseholder
George Goodridge, gentleman
Edward Ashweek, yeoman
William Mann jun, yeoman
William Venning, yeoman
Lewis Venning, yeoman
Peter Mann, yeoman
Edward Mann, yeoman
John Helling, yeoman
Henry Barns, yeoman
Thomas Gortley, yeoman
Richard Long, yeoman
Thomas Williams, yeoman
Thomas Call, yeoman
Thomas Carrell, yeoman
John Blackaller, yeoman
William Neyle, esq
Nicholas Brooking, esq
Jeffery Lang, gentleman
John Shepherd, gentleman
William Treen, yeoman
Jonathan Metherell, yeoman
John Beavis, miller
Thomas White, yeoman
William Codner, yeoman
St. Mary Church
William Kitson, esq, freeholder
Elias Waymouth
William Bartlett, freeholder
Aaron Neck jun, freeholder
Theophilus Aynell, freeholder
Henry Rendle, freeholder
Samuel Rendle, freeholder
William Browse, freeholder
Robert Allward, freeholder
William Fox, freeholder
John Cole, copyholder
Samuel Peale
James Bickford
Philip Nicholls
Thomas Jackson
Gregory Weymouth
Stephen Neck, leaseholder
William Varder
Robert Lang
Henry Codnor
Rawlin Mallock sen, esq
Rawlin Mallock jun, esq
George Browse
Thomas Ley
Gilbert Bickford
Thomas Good, infirm
Robert Cowell
William Langdon
Coffingswell [Coffinswell]
Thomas Rowe, yeoman
James Rich, yeoman
Zachary Drew, yeoman
Thomas Street, yeoman
Abbots Kerswell [Abbotskerswell]
John Bailey, gentleman
John Wotton, gentleman
Elias Prowse, gentleman
Robert Venning, yeoman
John Rodd jun, clothier
Richard Garret, mason
John Prowse, clothier
John Hannaford jun, sailor
William Venning, yeoman
William Wallis, yeoman
William Henly, butcher
Kings Kerswell [Kingskerswell]
Richard Philp, yeoman
John Wills, yeoman
John Yabsley, yeoman
Jeffery Bully, yeoman
Richard Palk, yeoman
William Creed, yeoman
William Neck, yeoman
Thomas Drew, mariner
Abraham Creed, yeoman
Woolborrough [Wolborough]
John Lethbridge, gentleman
James Baker, miller
Aaron Tozer, sergemaker
Samuel Pollington, shopkeeper
George Ferris, cordwainer
Gilbert Beardon, cordwainer
Gregory Chapple, yeoman
William Woodley, yeoman
William Call, soapboiler
Robert Pollington, cabinet maker
William Farley, shopkeeper
John Sloman, maltster
Abraham Hingston, carpenter
Francis Rackwood, sergemaker
Robert Viccary, sergemaker
Thomas Reynell, sergemaker
James Boarder, yeoman
Henry Gill, butcher
Richard Call, shopkeeper
John Fabyan, sergemaker
Joseph Taylor, esq
William Adams, gentleman
Thomas Crossing, gentleman
Thomas Vining sen
John Sargent
Richard Hall
Stoke Gabriel
Pomeroy Gilbert, esq, freeholder
Gilbert Yard, esq, freeholder
James Churchward, of Ash, freeholder
John Churchward, freeholder
Mathew Churchward, freeholder
James Churchward, of Stoketown, freeholder
Gabriel Jackson, freeholder
Richard Grigg, freeholder
Richard Butland, freeholder
Richard Adams, freeholder
James Churchward, of Will, leaseholder
Philip Hannaford, leaseholder
Walter Drew, leaseholder
Berry Pomeroy
John Lyde, gentleman, freeholder
Philip Edwards, freeholder
Roger Goodridge
Roger Edwards
Robert Churchward
Thomas Southcott
Richard Weymouth
George Dugdale
John Lythebee
Thomas Mudge
Richard Metherell
Nicholas Adams
Richard Phillips
Jacob Bartlett
Rawleigh Gilbert, gentleman, leaseholder
Nicholas Browse, leaseholder
John Gardner, leaseholder
Gilbert Stephens, leaseholder
Thomas Bartlett, leaseholder
Richard Bully, leaseholder
Paington [Paignton]
Francis Parker, esq
Gilbert Butland
Robert Butland
Emanuel Northey
Henry Browse
Allin Gardner
John Gardner
Richard Lome
Naboth Penny
Jeffery Goodridge
William Yabbacombe
Samuel Hutchings, maltster
Thomas Goodridge
Richard Goodridge, maltster
Robert Furneaux
Nicholas Vowler, surgeon
Samuel Gardner
Thomas Brooking
Samuel Sampson
William Tully jun
John Ryder
John Metherell
Thomas Distin
James Carter
John Butland
James Limbery
Churston Ferrers
John Yard, esq, freeholder
Daniel Wadland, freeholder
Philip Pyke, freeholder
John Skerdon, freeholder
Giles Lawrence, leaseholder
John Lawrence, leaseholder
Robert Davie, leaseholder
Thomas Jones, leaseholder
John Parris, leaseholder
John Pike, leaseholder
Brixham [Churston Ferrers]
Anthony Forty, gentleman, freeholder
William Gillard, gentleman, freeholder
Nicholas Browse, freeholder
Nicholas Furneaux, freeholder
John Gillard, freeholder
William Pethebridge, freeholder
Roger Lewman, freeholder
Robert Lang, leaseholder
Roger Clarke, leaseholder
George Pretor, leaseholder
John Maddock jun, leaseholder
Peter Croot, leaseholder
John Upham, leaseholder
Francis Crews, leaseholder
William Wakeham, leaseholder
William Browse, copyholder
William Scoble, copyholder
Samuel Fost, copyholder