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QS7/14, Devon Freeholders Book, 1733

Haytor hundred

Joseph Taylor, esq
John Forse
Thomas Vening
Henry Winsor
Richard Hellier
Richard Hall
William Grant

Edward Gould, esq
James Wolstone, esq
Nicholas Rooke, gentleman
Thomas Bovey, gentleman
Jeffery Bully, yeoman
Jeffery Scoble, yeoman
William Rowe, yeoman
John Gortley, yeoman
Thomas Bradridge, yeoman
Thomas May, yeoman
William Millward, yeoman
Jacob Searle, yeoman
Edward Caunter, yeoman
Hugh Clement, yeoman
Chirstopher Emmett, yeoman
Henry Bradridge jun, yeoman
Peter Bradridge, yeoman
John Scoble, yeoman
Christopher Emmett jun, yeoman
John Perry, yeoman
Laurence Emmett, yeoman
George Winsor, yeoman
Thomas Millward, yeoman
Samuell Searle, yeoman

Buckland in the Moor
Thomas Smerdon
Elias Andrew
Richard Burnell
Richard Smerdon

Widecombe in the Moor [Widdecombe in the Moor]
William Woodley, yeoman
John Townsend, yeoman
John Smerdon, yeoman
Roger Hannaford, yeoman
Robert Man, yeoman
Hugh Smerdon jun, yeoman
James Townsend sen, yeoman
Thomas Hamlyn, yeoman
James Hamlyn, yeoman
Robert Man, yeoman
George Hanworthy, yeoman
John Arnoll, yeoman
Robert French, yeoman
John Apton, yeoman of Venton
John Aptor, yeoman of Dunston
Roger Head, yeoman
Edward Smerdon, yeoman

William Dyer, esq
Robert Abraham, yeoman
George Perry, yeoman

John Woolstone, esq
John Pope
John Carell
Thomas Balkwell
Benjamin Drew
John Rennell

William Neyle, esq
Nicholas Brooking, esq
John Crocker, gentleman
Jeffery Lang jun, gentleman
Thomas Crossing, gentleman
John Sheppard, gentleman
William Bully, yeoman
William Treen, yeoman
John Beavis, miller
Jonathan Metherell, yeoman
William Adams, yeoman
Gilbert Stephens, yeoman
William Codner, yeoman
Thomas White, yeoman of Ash

Norton Nelson, esq, freeholder
Peter Bound, yeoman, freeholder
Nicholas Blackhall, yeoman, freeholder
William Browse, yeoman, copyholder
Thomas Mudge, yeoman, copyholder
Richard Rennell, yeoman, copyholder
Edward Mudge, yeoman, copyholder

George Goodridge, gentleman
William Man, yeoman
Peter Man, yeoman
William Vening, yeoman
Lewis Vening, yeoman
William Alexander, yeoman
John Barons, yeoman
James Parrett, yeoman
John Blackaller, yeoman
Jacob Nosworthy, yeoman
Thomas Carell, yeoman
Thomas Gortly, yeoman

Thomas Row, mariner
Zachary Drew, yeoman
James Rich, yeoman
Walter Rich, tailor

Kings Kerswell [Kingskerswell]
John Neck, yeoman
Richard Philp, yeoman
John Wills, yeoman
Walter Barter, yeoman
Thomas Brawn, yeoman
Thomas Bully, butcher
John Wallis, yeoman
Laurence Eaton, yeoman
John Horrell, yeoman
Jeffery Bully, yeoman
John Yabsley, yeoman
Jacob Hannaford, yeoman

Newton Abbott [Highweek (inc. Newton Abbot)]
Thomas Banks, weaver
James Border, yeoman
Thomas Pain, maltster
Richard Call, shopkeeper
James Shapley, victualler
Joseph Delve, yeoman
John Fabyne, weaver
James Tucker, shopkeeper
George Ferris
Gilbeart Bearne, tailor
Gregory Chapple, baker
Peter Bearne, yeoman
William Call, yeoman
William Farley, shopkeeper
John Sloman, maltster
William Rackcliffe, shopkeeper
William Bear, shopkeeper
John Chapple, weaver

Abbotts Kerswell [Abbotskerswell]
John Bailey, gentleman
John Wotton, yeoman
William Wallis, yeoman
Elias Prowse, yeoman
Richard Codner, yeoman
John Rodd jun, clothier
John Hannaford, yeoman
Thomas Full, yeoman
Richard Garrett, yeoman
Lewis Prowse, yeoman
Robert Hening

Saint Mary Church [St. Mary Church]
William Bartlett
Elias Waymouth
Robert Lang
William Browse
William Fox
Richard Cole
Thomas Jackson
Gregory Waymouth
Christopher Waymouth
James Bickford
Henry Rendell
Stephen Neck
Samuell Rendell
George Sowdon
Aaron Neck
Theophilus Aynell
Samuel Peatell

George Browne
Nicholas Mudge
Thomas Ley
Gilbert Bickford
George Follett
Thomas Goad
William Bennett

Marledon [Marldon]
Yard Eastley, gentleman, freeholder
Richard Phillips, freeholder
Thomas Bartlett sen, freeholder
Thomas Bartlett jun, freeholder
Nicholas Adams, freeholder
William Bartlett, freeholder
Jacob Bartlett, freeholder
Edward Metherell jun, leaseholder
John Gardner, leaseholder
Thomas Bartlett, clothier, leaseholder
Henry Browse, leaseholder

Churchton Ferris [Churston Ferrers]
Edward Yard, esq, freeholder
Phillip Pike, freeholder
Daniel Wadland, freeholder
John Sherdon, freeholder
Richard Clarke, leaseholder
Thomas Jones, leaseholder
John Pike, leaseholder
Giles Laurence, leaseholder
John Laurence, leaseholder
John Parris, leaseholder

Berry Pomeroy
John Lyde, gentleman, freeholder
Phillip Edwards, freeholder
Thomas Mudge, freeholder
Edward Ashweek, freeholder
Samuel Goodridge, freeholder
Roger Edwards, leaseholder
Henry Elliott, leaseholder
Robert Churchward, leaseholder
Richard Parrott, leaseholder
John Harris, leaseholder
Richard Waymouth, leaseholder
John Southcott, leaseholder
George Penney, leaseholder

Stoke Gabriell [Stoke Gabriel]
Francis Sheppard, esq, freeholder
Thomas Lane, gentleman, freeholder
Richard Churchward, yeoman, freeholder
John Churchward, yeoman, freeholder
James Churchward, yeoman, freeholder
John Down, yeoman, freeholder
William Butland, yeoman, freeholder
John Churchward, miller, freeholder
George Dugdall, yeoman, leaseholder
Michael Hannaford, yeoman, leaseholder
Philip Hannaford, yeoman, leaseholder
Walter Drew, yeoman, leaseholder
Richard Griggs, yeoman, leaseholder

Anthony Forty, gentleman, freeholder
Lewis Gillard, freeholder
Nicholas Browse, freeholder
John Maddock sen, freeholder
Richard Grigge, freeholder
Daniel Pomeroy, freeholder
Nicholas Furneax, freeholder
Samuel Fost, freeholder
William Browse, copyholder
William Langdon, copyholder
Walter Crowte, copyholder
William Scoble, copyholder
Robert Lang, leaseholder
Roger Clarke, leaseholder
George Preter, leaseholder
William Honywill sen, leaseholder
William Honywill jun, leaseholder
John Maddock jun, leaseholder
Thomas Honywill, leaseholder
Peter Crowte, leaseholder
Nicholas Petherbridge, leaseholder
Lancelott Putt, leaseholder
Nicholas Newell, leaseholder
Stephen Lee, leaseholder

Paington [Paignton]
Allan Penny
Robert Butland
Joseph Butland
Gilbert Tully
George Browse
Samuel Hutchings
Gilbert Butland
John Churchward
Nicholas Fowler, apothecary
Naboth Penny
Allan Gardner
John Brooking
William Yabbacombe
Emanuel Northey
William Butland
Stephen Neck
Edward Mudge
Thomas Goodridge
William Browse
Robert Furneaux
John Desten
John Furneaux
John Metherell